

Yoon Kim

Dept. of Computer and Engineering,
Kangwon National Univ.

Address : Room 504, 6th Engineering Building,
Kangwon National Univ.
Tel : +82-33-250-6387
Fax : +82-33-252-6390
E-mail :



1999.09 - 2003.08 : Ph. D. degree in EE from Korea Univ.
1993.09 - 1995.08 : M.S. degree in EE from Korea Univ.
1988.03 - 1993.08 : B.S. degree in EE from Korea Univ.


2019.06 : Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
2016.12 - present : ㈜ 지오비전 대표이사
2004.03 - present : Professor (Kangwon National Univ.)
2017.08 - 2018.07 : Visiting Scholar (San Jose State Univ.)
2012.05 - 2015.06 : LINC 사업단 부단장
2009.12 - 2011.01 : Visiting Scholar (Portland State Univ.)
2001.05 - 2003.10 : Senior Engineer (Dalitech Co.)
1995.07 - 1999.03 : Assistant Engineer (LG Electronics Co.)

Research Society Activity

IEEE Member
IEICE Member
정보과학회 회원
전자공학회 회원
컴퓨터정보학회 회원

Woo Jin Kim
M.D., Ph.D.

Dept. of Internal Medicine,
Kangwon National University Hospital

Address : 156 Beakryeong-ro, Chuncheon,
Kangwon National University Hospital
Gangwon-do, 24289, South Korea
Kangwon National Univ.
E-mail :



1994:  M.D., Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 
1995 - 1999:  Residency in Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 
2002 - 2003:  Fellowship in respiratory and critical care, Seoul National University Hospital 
2006:  Ph.D., Hallym University Postgraduate School, Seoul, Korea 
2007 - 2008: Research Fellow, Channing Laboratory, Boston, MA


2003 - : Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangwon National University Hospital
2012 - : Director, Environmental Health Center, Kangwon National University Hospital

Research Society Activity

2016 - : Mol Cell Toxicol, Associate Editor
2017 - : BMC Pulm Med, Associate Editor
2018-2019 : Environ Res, Guest Editor for special issue ‘Children at Risk’
2020 - : Head of Environment & Occupational Health and Epidemiology assembly, Asia-Pacific Society of Respirology    
2021 - : Board member of KATRD